
Best Practices

Coding Standards

Coding Standards

Welcome to the coding standards for the mutates project. This document outlines the guidelines and best practices for contributing to the codebase.

General Guidelines

  • Consistency: Ensure that your code is consistent with the existing codebase.
  • Readability: Write code that is easy to read and understand.
  • Documentation: Document your code where necessary, especially for complex logic.

Code Style

  • Indentation: Use 2 spaces for indentation.
  • Line Length: Limit lines to 100 characters.
  • Quotes: Use single quotes for strings.
  • Semicolons: Use semicolons at the end of statements.

TypeScript Specific

  • Types: Always define types for function parameters and return values.
  • Interfaces: Prefer interfaces over type aliases for object shapes.
  • Enums: Use enums for sets of related constants.


Here is an example of a well-formatted TypeScript function:

function greet(name: string): string {
  return `Hello, ${name}`;

Linting and Formatting

We use ESLint and Prettier to enforce code style and formatting. Ensure that your code passes all linting checks before submitting a pull request.

Commit Messages

Follow the Conventional Commits specification for commit messages. This helps in automating the release process and generating changelogs.

Additional Resources

For more detailed guidelines, refer to the following documents:

Thank you for contributing to mutates!

Performance Optimization